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The conception of David began when I heard a story recounted from a friend of mine. It stuck with me over the years until I could no longer hold it in and put it down on paper. Thriller films fascinate me, especially classics such as The Shining or Psycho. However, I find the threat of violence, rather than violence itself, much scarier and thought provoking. This was something I definitely wanted to play with in the short film. 

David is a comment on the subtle violence that can be inflicted on anyone who might've felt like something was out of the ordinary and brushed it off, before their fears were realized and the situation escalated quickly. Ideally I want people on their seats with bated breath as the character of Sam goes further down the rabbit hole and for them to realize that it's best to listen to your instincts.

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When Sam receives a job offer to care for a sick man called David, it seems all her money troubles have been answered. David is a retired model in remission from cancer, but upon meeting, it is clear to Sam that something is amiss. With each passing day more and more doesn't add up. Why all the secrets? Uneasy and suspicious, Sam starts to search for the answers to her questions. But she might not like what she finds, and neither will David.​


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